Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 1

So, I decided to document my experience with The Ultimate Yogi program.  This program is intended for 108 STRAIGHT days of yoga, with specific formats each day.  Concurrent with the yoga, I am supposed to follow a recommended nutrition program, which recommends a vegetarian diet. The program creators acknowledge not everyone is ready for that (duh), so they have outlined a "common sense" diet which unfortunately includes a bunch of stuff I can't eat (lentils, black beans, flax seed) and shouldn't eat (grains, potatoes) but is basically just another version of eating clean, which I already do anyway for the most part.  The biggest difference is they don't include beef or whole eggs (chicken, turkey, egg whites, seafood) or dark chocolate, both of which I consume nearly daily.  Baby steps, people.

Day 1:

For some reason, thought it would be a good idea to get the almost-14-year-old daughter on board, so I woke her up early and we hit the media room for yoga.  After much whining about not liking that yoga mat, she decided to just use the carpet.  Day 1 includes Hardcore and Cross Training.  We started with Cross Training.  I got through the whole thing without having to drop to Child's Pose, so I'd say it was roughly equivalent to one of the studio classes I have taken, although definitely not just the "Basics" 1 hour class.  Cross Training lasted about 1 hr 5 minutes including the cool down, after which the teen announced there's no way she was doing another video because it had already been over an hour.  Since I had to get ready for work, I decided to put off the Hardcore video for later.

2 homemade almond/coconut flour muffins spread with cashew better
coffee with skim milk & vanilla stevia

Leftover grassfed beef chili over salad with salsa, 1/2 avocado, 8 organic blue corn chips

1 honeycrisp apple
10 "activated raw" almonds
1/4 dark chocolate (77%) bar

Salad with shredded chicken, jicama, mango and salsa
1 glass red wine

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